Mo's Cool PPG Pics and Stories

January 2, 2002 - Casa Grande (McCartney)


David Cook writes:

Dale met Mo and I at McCartney at sometime after 4:30. Wind was 14 to 16 but relatively laminar. Launched just after sunset. Penetration was slow near the surface and parked just a few hundred feet up. It was nice with two gliders in the air. 20 minute or so flights with uneventful landings in wind that was strengthening slightly. Very enjoyable.

Dale writes:

Thank you David and Mo that was really cool watching u guys fly look foward to getting into it.

Mo writes:

David, Nice write up. The only thing I will add is the nice, lengthy conversation we had afterwards. It was like 9pm when we started heading home!

Dale, It was nice to meet you. I'm glad you have decided to get into this great form of flight. I hope we didn't talk your ears off. The conditions today were really pushing our limits. Normally we fly in much calmer conditions. The good thing is you got to see first hand the importance of reverse launches and good ground handling.

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